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Inspiring Hope Through Grief: A Public Speaking Venture




I’m a daughter of Abba’s, completely dependent on and adoring His Presence and Grace! He gave me the honor of being married to an intentional man, and we had the privilege of raising godly men and women for Him! In the last decade, we walked through the challenge of multiple Sarcoma diagnoses and braved the many ripple effects of cancer with grit and grace, and God’s faithfulness remained.


My husband is now in Heaven. Our eight-year battle has ended.  I am a living testimony of Abba’s fantastic grace and Presence flowing through every twist and turn our family has lived through, from the diagnoses, treatments, self-reliance, and addiction to healing, restoring, and growing closer to our Savior. I’ve observed God’s Presence and grace and am now charged with proclaiming His faithfulness! 


“ tongue is the pen of a ready writer.” Psalm 45:1


I now spend my time encouraging women in their faith to know Him intimately, even in hardship, to rest in His arms through the ups and downs of life, and to allow Abba to grow us in our faith, using all of it for His glory. He is Faithful! 


I offer speaking engagements on marriage, parenting adult children, and walking through grief. I can adjust to meet the needs of your audience and event. I enjoy keynote speaking, breakout sessions, and joining with others who share their stories of hope. 

Let's get together if you'd like to discuss how I can best serve your community and ministry. Send me a text or email with the contacts below, and I look forward to serving alongside you.


In His Presence, 


Tina Akridge


Let Me Serve You

To schedule a time to talk and see how we can come together to serve your community, click below 

Keynote Speaker

I love connecting with a group of women who have gathered for one purpose. It could be to focus on missions, service, personal care, family, or the grief we all go through in this life.  


The intimacy and freedom often experienced in the retreat setting breathes life into souls and propels us into the next steps God has for us. It is my honor to come alongside of your ladies in this powerful setting.

Breakout Sessions

This type of speaking engagement excites me. I am able to offer what I have learned about God's steadfast love and faithfulness and help dive deeper in to His Word and His Heart together.  Breakout times and topics are flexible to fit your community needs.

Share the Stage

As I have walked into this industry of service, there has been very little else that has ushered into my life growth, healing, and hope than to colaborate with other messengers of hope. I welcome any opportunity to join in with other speakers. 

What I Offer

Podcast Guest Spots

Because He loves us so perfectly, He does not lower the standard. Even in our hardship, we are called to love by His standards, and in His strength. "  Spoken at FBC of Lyons at a missions event, as we explored the Mission of Marriage; Walking in Love. 

Tina Akridge

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